School System
Comprehensive Educational Management
Comprehensive Educational Management
Comprehensive Educational Management
Our School software simplify school management and helps to generate complex reports effortlessly. Can be used in Online as well as offline. It provides simplicity of usage than complex features. Users are divided with different roles such as teachers, accounts, principal, administrator etc. Each users can view only few functionalities based on their rights.
Faster communications
Better control and organized record keeping
Reduction of paper works and improves operation efficiency by 70 %
Provide statistical information's for better management and decision making
More secure and traceable than manual record keeping
Improves the integrity and quality of the organization.
Admission Management
Enquiry Registration
Ranking of students
Seat Allotment
Joining Fees
SMS Manager
Circulars to Staff
Class wise SMS to Parent
Auto SMS Configurations
Fee Remainder SMS
Student Management
Enroll Student
Multi Level Approval
Cancel Enrolment
Transfer Certificate
Knowledge reporting
Academic Achievements
Extra Curricular Achievements
Medical Reporting
Staff Management
Create Staff
Assign Subject
Performance Analysis
Student Rating
Auto Rating Based on Knowledge Report
Manual Reporting
Monthly School Rating Reports
Fee Management
Collect Fees
Due Reports
Paid Reports
Fee Rules
Bank Clearance
Time Table
Manual/Auto Generation
Class wise Reports
Staff wise Reports
Staff Allotment SMS
Staff Workload and Warnings
Exam Manager
Schedule Exam
Mark Entry
Report Generation
Publish as SMS
Payslip Generation
Salary Paid/Payable Reports
TDS/PF Reports
Salary Setting and Approval
Half Day /Full Day Marking
Auto SMS to Parent
Class wise /Student wise Report
Vehicle Management
Route / Trip Management
Student Trip Management
Transportation Fee
Class Manager
Class wise Report
Change Division
Add or Remove Division
Import/ Export Student
Library Management
Create Books
Search Books
Issues Books
Return Reminders
Create Promotion List
Manual Promotion
Auto Promotion
Parent Login
Fee Details
Exam Details
Other Disciplinary Details